Monday 28 February 2011

Making Curved Shapes in Google SketchUp

First of all i created a cuboid by drawing a square and then extruding it.

I then deleted the box leaving one side that i used to draw a random shape on using the arc tool.

I then deleted the area surrounding the shape and extruded the shape a small amount. I clicked on the face of the 3d shape and pressed 'S' to activate the scale tool.

Whilst holding 'ctrl' i clicked and dragged the top right node of the scale box to create a sloping effect.

I then clicked on the face of the shape i had made and extruded it once more. I scaled the shape so that it continued from the one i had already made.

I then drew a circle on the face of the object using the circle tool.

I extruded this circle and used the scale tool to make the end smaller. I did this by pressing 'S' when the face was selecting and then dragging the top right node when i had 'ctrl' selected.

I then selected the whole object by clicking on it three times and then right clicked on it. I chose ' Make Component'.

I then named my component and selected create. By making the object into a component it would allow me to select it and edit it as a whole object.

I selected the component and left clicked on it whilst holding down 'ctrl'. I then dragged the object to the left which created a copy of it.
I then mirrored the copied object by right clicking on it, going to 'flip along' and then selecting 'component's red'. This mirrored the object along the red axis.

To finish the object i moved them both together. Because they are both copies of each other, whenever one is edited in anyway, the other is edited too.

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